Tuesday, June 15

A radio story

I am really unhappy.

And this is the from the radio last night:

A loving mother worked so hard to raise her 13 years old daughter. The mother was strong enought that she can work very much independently, even without her husband. Her husband had less income as the wife did, and he never give money to the family because he gambled (and lost most of his money on house racing). Around 2 years ago, the husband met a woman in his working place and fell in love with her, because he can find confidence and respects from the lover.

The husband decided to leave the wife, and gave up his only daughter for the new beloved woman, the one who made his life brighter. At least he thinks so.

Apparently, the girl cannot stand with this trageic. She inherited all her mother toughness and her will. However, it is still too soon for her. She is too young. She seldom speaks at home, school since then. And she is badly tempered, and even hate for what her mother and her father did to her -- to destroy her happy family. The mother, on the other hand, suffers a tremedous pressure that she can hardly bear it. And because she loves her daughter so much, she is deeply in pain.

Why on earth should this happen? What's going on in the story? Who should be responsible?

May God help them.

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