Hong Kong Economic Journal 蘭 芳
筆者上月底參觀創新科技節的展覽,其中不少大專院校也有參展,筆者發覺其實大專院校裏也有不少不錯的科研項目,但一直以來,它們的科研項目商業化似乎 沒有做出什麽成績,未能像美國大專院校如史丹福一般,若談到成為造就科技創業公司的搖籃,更是相去甚遠。那麽,究竟香港的問題是什麽?
筆者並非在大專院校工作,但在一些業界會議閒談中,曾聽聞一些大專院校指出香港應用科技研究院(ASTRI)頻頻向他們招手,希望「代理」大專院校的 科研項目,並將之商業化,但卻並未獲得大專院校歡迎,因為他們看不到ASTRI能為它們帶來很大的增值,事實上,不少大專院校都已成立專責部門去協助校內 研究項目商業化。這是否資源錯配,缺乏協調所致?
另一個筆者的觀察,是現在創新科技署有一些專為業界與大專院校合作的基金,供業界和大專院校申請,但據筆者朋友的經驗,是大專院校較官僚,這些基金獲 批後,一般由大專院校作為對口管理,但校內處理的手續繁多,令業界卻步,因為與大專合作會增加不少行政管理成本。對於業界而言,若非大專院校參與屬必要, 否則寧願自行開發,自行申請創新科技署的其他資助計劃。那麽,政府的原意希望業界能多和大專院校合作是否能達到?
其實對於協助扶持本港科研項目,筆者認為光是資金資助並不能解決所有問題,例如市場開拓等商業化問題就不能單靠資金來解決。筆者認為,要協助這些剛起 步的科研項目,最好能成立科研項目商業化的培育計劃(Incubation),這個培育計劃不光是提供低廉或免費辦公地方和資金資助,更重要是成立一個專 家小組包括人力資源、有經驗的創業家、過渡CEO、財務及市務推廣專才,協助有潛質的科研項目由開始階段提供意見,協助計劃,而不是像現在不少大專院校的 科研項目,不少在開始的一兩年靠創新科技署的資金支持,等到資助將完時才急於去想商業化的可能性。
Thursday, October 27
To vaccinated, or not to vaccinated?
That's the question.
Wondering any difference between the mentioned flu drug and flu vaccine...
[Hong Kong Economic Times] 防禽流感 重衞生戒亂服藥 20051027
市民自亂陣腳 反添疫潮風險
阻遏流感傳播 個人衞生首要
[South China Morning Post] - Editorial 20051027
Public needs clear message on flu
The importance of preparing the public for an outbreak of bird flu cannot be overstated. Sensible advice is needed - and the message must be clear. Unfortunately, this has not been the case this week with the question of whether individuals should stock up on the drug Tamiflu. A World Health Organisation official and the Hong Kong government have disagreed as to what is the right approach.
Peter Cordingley, the WHO's spokesman for the Western Pacific region, said on a Hong Kong radio programme that the organisation encouraged households to stock up on the anti-flu drug, which can ease symptoms of the disease and potentially save lives. But Hong Kong's Centre for Health Protection (CHP) is discouraging people from obtaining their own supplies. It has pointed out that the WHO does not advise people to do so on its website. A CHP expert has reinforced a warning against self-medication, saying inappropriate use of Tamiflu would be wasteful and could cause resistance in the human flu virus. There is much to commend this view.
People have the right to buy the drug and in the present climate of fear it is understandable if they want to do so. But the government has good reasons to discourage them from stocking up.
Supplies of Tamiflu will be rationed globally for a long time. Its sale has been suspended in Canada to ensure adequate stocks for the peak flu season. Hopefully, in the event of a human bird-flu outbreak in Hong Kong, there will be enough to meet the needs of victims and people at risk or in essential occupations. But there may not be if there is panic buying now. This could undermine planning for an effective emergency response.
The advice of CHP consultant Yuen Kwok-yung, of the University of Hong Kong, seems sound and responsible: if you feel you must stock up, seek the advice of your family doctor first.
But the difference of opinion between the WHO official and the government has left the public confused and unsure of what to do. A clear statement of the WHO's official position would be helpful.
During the Sars outbreak in 2003, there were times when WHO statements caused some confusion. Given that so little was known about the disease at the time, this was understandable. As more became known, it began to speak with a single, authoritative voice.
But last June the organisation's Vietnam office appeared to take a different view to the Western Pacific regional office as to the likelihood of a bird flu pandemic.
The WHO is a United Nations agency which has grown in importance with the emergence of diseases such as Sars and bird flu. Its edicts and actions are crucial to the health and well-being of people all around the world. As we face up to a possible pandemic, it is important that the organisation sends clear messages on how the public should prepare.
Copyright (c) 2000. South China Morning Post Publishers Ltd. All rights reserved.
【太陽報專訊】- 八個步驟成笑柄 兩項措施判高低 20051027
雖然,政府官員不斷站在傳媒面前,信誓旦旦地強調政府防預禽流感的決心,套一句俗語來說,那只是齋 (talk)。例如衛生署呼籲市民預防流感大流行的來臨所採取的八個基本步驟來說,就是講了等於沒講的廢話。
這 八個基本步驟是: 一,時刻做好防範;二,接種流感疫苗 (Simon: According to SCMP the government recently not advice citizen not to stock up vaccine or drug(?));三,保持雙手清潔;四,正確使用口罩;五,認識流感徵狀;六,有效護理發燒;七,實行健康生活;八,認識社區資源。
Wondering any difference between the mentioned flu drug and flu vaccine...
[Hong Kong Economic Times] 防禽流感 重衞生戒亂服藥 20051027
市民自亂陣腳 反添疫潮風險
阻遏流感傳播 個人衞生首要
[South China Morning Post] - Editorial 20051027
Public needs clear message on flu
The importance of preparing the public for an outbreak of bird flu cannot be overstated. Sensible advice is needed - and the message must be clear. Unfortunately, this has not been the case this week with the question of whether individuals should stock up on the drug Tamiflu. A World Health Organisation official and the Hong Kong government have disagreed as to what is the right approach.
Peter Cordingley, the WHO's spokesman for the Western Pacific region, said on a Hong Kong radio programme that the organisation encouraged households to stock up on the anti-flu drug, which can ease symptoms of the disease and potentially save lives. But Hong Kong's Centre for Health Protection (CHP) is discouraging people from obtaining their own supplies. It has pointed out that the WHO does not advise people to do so on its website. A CHP expert has reinforced a warning against self-medication, saying inappropriate use of Tamiflu would be wasteful and could cause resistance in the human flu virus. There is much to commend this view.
People have the right to buy the drug and in the present climate of fear it is understandable if they want to do so. But the government has good reasons to discourage them from stocking up.
Supplies of Tamiflu will be rationed globally for a long time. Its sale has been suspended in Canada to ensure adequate stocks for the peak flu season. Hopefully, in the event of a human bird-flu outbreak in Hong Kong, there will be enough to meet the needs of victims and people at risk or in essential occupations. But there may not be if there is panic buying now. This could undermine planning for an effective emergency response.
The advice of CHP consultant Yuen Kwok-yung, of the University of Hong Kong, seems sound and responsible: if you feel you must stock up, seek the advice of your family doctor first.
But the difference of opinion between the WHO official and the government has left the public confused and unsure of what to do. A clear statement of the WHO's official position would be helpful.
During the Sars outbreak in 2003, there were times when WHO statements caused some confusion. Given that so little was known about the disease at the time, this was understandable. As more became known, it began to speak with a single, authoritative voice.
But last June the organisation's Vietnam office appeared to take a different view to the Western Pacific regional office as to the likelihood of a bird flu pandemic.
The WHO is a United Nations agency which has grown in importance with the emergence of diseases such as Sars and bird flu. Its edicts and actions are crucial to the health and well-being of people all around the world. As we face up to a possible pandemic, it is important that the organisation sends clear messages on how the public should prepare.
Copyright (c) 2000. South China Morning Post Publishers Ltd. All rights reserved.
【太陽報專訊】- 八個步驟成笑柄 兩項措施判高低 20051027
雖然,政府官員不斷站在傳媒面前,信誓旦旦地強調政府防預禽流感的決心,套一句俗語來說,那只是齋 (talk)。例如衛生署呼籲市民預防流感大流行的來臨所採取的八個基本步驟來說,就是講了等於沒講的廢話。
這 八個基本步驟是: 一,時刻做好防範;二,接種流感疫苗 (Simon: According to SCMP the government recently not advice citizen not to stock up vaccine or drug(?));三,保持雙手清潔;四,正確使用口罩;五,認識流感徵狀;六,有效護理發燒;七,實行健康生活;八,認識社區資源。
Tuesday, October 25
Cyberport - Amenda - Dead plant - Lamma
- Believe it or not, I met another Amenda in cyberport. She is my CIVIL classmate at HKUST.
- The cyberport office isn't really like an office place. We have got free XBox games, cinema, Bel Air on the peak and a circus tent at sea front!
- My plant is dead. I forgot to move it to a safer location and it dried out becoz of the sun. Heart broken...
- I can see my home-island from here - Lamma !
Wednesday, October 19
Tuesday, October 18
7 种 Bug 的解法
- By Design - 就是这么设计的,无效的Bug
- Duplicate - 这个问题别人已经发现了,重复的Bug
- External - 是个外部因素(比如浏览器、操作系统、其他第3方软件)造成的问题
- Fixed - 问题被修理掉了。Tester要尽可能找到这种Bug
- Not Repro - 无法复现你这个问题,无效的Bug
- Postponed - 是个问题,但是目前不必修理了,推迟到以后再解
- Won't Fix - 是个问题,但是不值得修理了,不管它吧
Tuesday, October 11
Saturday, October 1
感光禁食提醒豬 Who want one?
- 可愛造型豬,是採用「感光原理與豬叫聲電子模組」,您可將豬放入冰箱或抽屜等愛藏吃的地方,當打開冰箱門或抽屜時,豬豬會立即以感應到光以「連三聲豬叫 聲」提醒您少吃一些。似真的豬叫聲,搭配可愛的外型與貼心的禁食貼紙舉牌,想要偷吃,小心被抓到喔。亦可放於黑暗處,只要接觸光線即會馬上發出豬叫聲。
- 獨創設計,精緻可愛:獨家台灣新上市,深受各年齡層喜愛。加上可愛的外包裝豬頭設計,與研發多年的造型豬彈性材質與可愛造型,讓人愛不釋手。於日本深受歡迎,獲日本媒體的創意商品推薦報導。
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