Wednesday, September 28

How do you spend a night in Lamma

How do you spend a night in Lamma, on Tue?

1) Spent 2 hours on search for Free Palm Games
2) Do some cooking on 1:00am for dinner and tomorrow lunch box.

3) Stareing at the new Wind Turbine at Lamma (took at day time)

Wednesday, September 21

轉載: IT議事亭 - CF卡被嫌棄

資訊科技周刊        文耀

  儲存卡的格式眾多,各有不同的支持者,玩數碼相機多年,親眼經歷了儲存卡的興衰變遷。不說不知,筆者首部使用的數碼相機是用 1.44MB 的磁碟片做儲存媒介的,那時影數張低像數的 jpeg 相便儲滿一張磁片。之後用的有 150 萬像素的相機是用 SM 卡 (Smart Media) 的,但因卡內記憶容易損壞漸漸被市場淘汰。從 2001 年中起,便是 CF 卡獨步天下的年代,直到近年因數碼產品,特別是手機加入攝影功能後,強調體積細小,CF 卡已不再合時代需求。

  事實上,許多筆記簿電腦已經不再支援 CF 卡了,即使是強調內置 6 合 1 讀卡器的筆記簿電腦也沒有 CF 的位置。未來那款儲存卡會繼續 CF 卡的王者之位,有人認為是 Sony 專用的 Memory stick,但筆者卻最看好 SD 卡體系的 mini SD,皆因其體積實在非常細小。

  一切從微軟 Word 學起:經常聽到別人談論數碼隔膜,總是沒有太大感受,或許因為筆者由求學時期開始玩電腦,所以對電腦新知識的掌握充足。直至父親退休後開始學習電腦,才切身感受到數碼隔膜的問題。

  教父親學電腦,實在不知從何入手。父親愛玩 Hi-Fi 音響及旅行攝影,學電腦的原意是儲存數碼圖像與音樂檔案之用。但要對一個完全沒有電腦概念的人,教他燒錄 DVD 及整理不同格式的圖像檔案,卻十分困難。首先,他要明白各種電腦儲存格式概念及不同應用,又要明白不同的硬碟區及桌面檔案的位置,而且不懂打字及一般電腦 輸入概念如 Delete 與 Backspace 鍵之不同,令學習起來更加困難。

  回想筆者初學電腦時,是先從微軟 Word 學起,從中學會文字處理、儲存檔案及一般電腦鍵盤用法。是了,筆者是不應急於教曉父親燒錄 DVD,應從 Word 學起。現在每次父親在學習上邁進一小步,他取得的喜悅很大。

 文章編號: 200509211290015

Thursday, September 8

I'm Feeling Lucky about Failure

I guess everyone knows Google got a "I'm Feeling Lucky" button in their search engine page.

When you type a search keyword and press that button, you will be brought to the page with highest Ranking and thus the most relevant page (ranked by the search engine).

Try: failure

and you will be brought to the "Biography of President George W. Bush."

Tuesday, September 6

My cell phone battery drains during mid night and thus the alarm clock does not work.... I wake up at nine. Not a good sign after my first day of school.

After going to BOC for a new safe box (a bigger one), and to Central the Lamma lawyer. I were back in the office at two pm. After that, did not really stop for a while. I worked until seven at night and took the M49 and 8:00pm ferry.

I am so excited that my flat now DOES NOT have a TV.